Logo for Sole RetrieverSole Retriever

Raffle Bot for Discord and Slack

Get hyped sneaker raffles instantly sent to your server with our Discord and Slack Sneaker Raffle Bots

Uptick in cook group renewals

Your members will love our clean layout, accurate info, filtered channels, and entry tracking of our raffle bot.

500+ sites tracked daily

We report on more sites than any other raffle provider out there. New sites added weekly!

Raffle Entry Tracking

Group members can track their entries and connect their Sole Retriever account to stay in sync.

Sole Retriever raffle bot sending sneaker raffles to your discord channel

It’s not just talk

Many of the best cook groups in the game choose the Sole Retriever raffle bot to send sneaker raffle notifications to their Discord or Slack webhook.

Boro Inc VIP cook group
Notify cook group
Shoeplex VIP cook group

Raffle Bot Features

Monitoring Over 500 Stores

See all raffles: in store, instagram, and online

One click raffle bot setup

Created custom filtered channels

Auto setup filtered channels

White Labeling Available - Use your own logo

$75 / mo