"The Simpsons," a television titan with over 35 seasons under its belt, isn't just the longest-running American animated series; it's the longest-running American sitcom and scripted primetime television series. As the Simpson family continues to dish out satirical antics in Springfield, fans are eagerly scooping up merchandise from the iconic series. Among the most sought-after items? Sneakers. And not just any sneakers, but the official collaboration between adidas and The Simpsons.
Whether you're a sneakerhead, a die-hard fan of the show, or both, these kicks are a perfect blend of style and nostalgia. Not only do they pay homage to the beloved characters, but they also encapsulate memorable scenes and episodes from the series. Some standouts include the new “Treehouse of Horror” adidas Rivalry 86 Low, paying homage to Season 8’s Halloween episode, and the Itchy, Scratchy, and Poochie Pack, another season 8 episode. If you've been on the lookout for a pair, here are the five The Simpsons x adidas sneakers currently available on adidas.com
Make sure that you sign up for adidas adiClub to ensure you’re getting the best deals possible on adidas.com
The Simpsons x adidas Rivalry Low Itchy
The Simpsons x adidas Rivalry High Scratchy
The Simpsons x adidas Pro Model 80 Poochie
The Simpsons x adidas Rivalry 86 Low Treehouse of Horror
The Simpsons x adidas Forum Low Bart Simpson (GS)
The Simpsons x adidas NMD_G1 Homer Simpsons
The Simpsons x adidas Forum Low Living Room
The Simpsons x adidas adiFOM Superstar Sky
The Simpsons x adidas Freak Spark J Donut
The Simpsons x adidas Freak 22 Krusty
The Simpsons x adidas Freak 22 Kang and Kodos
In this article
Sneakerhead from South Florida who turned his passion into a career. Concerts, music, trying new restaurants, and catching the latest movies are some of the things I enjoy when not writing for Sole Retriever. Email: nick@soleretriever.com