The name Kobe Bryant resonates with excellence, innovation, and iconic style. His legacy transcends the courts as the late legend was deeply embedded in the fabric of performance basketball sneakers. Before Kobe was with the brand he is today, German sportswear adidas was Bryant's sponsor. Under The Three Stripes, the duo brought forth a unique line of sneakers that turned heads when they debuted in the late ‘90s.
adidas Kobe sneakers featured top-of-the-line technology for their time with many coming part of the brand’s Feet You Wear “FYW” initiative. This includes sneakers like the adidas Crazy 8, formerly known as the adidas KB8, adidas Crazy 1, AKA The Kobe, and the adidas Top 10 2000.

Below, we’ve listed every single sneaker that Kobe Bryant wore during his adidas days that you can purchase right now. What’s even better is that half of these are currently on sale! Make sure you sign up for the adidas adiClub to ensure you get free shipping and earn adiClub Points for your purchases on adidas.com

Sneakerhead from South Florida who turned his passion into a career. Concerts, music, trying new restaurants, and catching the latest movies are some of the things I enjoy when not writing for Sole Retriever. Email: nick@soleretriever.com